Katrine Cakuls,
Manual Therapy

Katrine began her career in 1986 as a physiotherapist. Always motivated to improve her knowledge and skills, she then went on to graduate from the Canadian College of Osteopathy in 1997.

Working internationally in Canada, England, Australia and America, treating in hospitals, and private clinics, addressing all levels of fitness and health, from wheelchair-bound patients, to office workers, and Olympic athletes, with ages ranging from newborns to 100 year olds, Katrine has helped people achieve optimal health.

Her work has been featured on national television in America, and she has been quoted in a book by author Naomi Wolf.

In 1997, Katrine co-founded a private clinic in Manhattan. Following the success of her New York clinic, in 2015 she expanded her practice to London, England where she is now based.

Team work has been a guiding principal throughout Katrine’s career. She works with a network of practitioners including medical consultants, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, homeopaths and movement specialists.

In addition to her work with patients, Katrine has developed and teaches courses including: stress management and anatomy for movement professionals.



Physiotherapy - BHSc.P.T. McMaster University, Canada 1986

Osteopathic Manual Practice - D.O.M.P. Canadian College of Osteopathy 1997


Certifications in:

Biodynamic Osteopathy through Bernard Darraillans, D.O., France

HeartMath for Healthcare Professionals through the HeartMath Institute, USA

Manual Therapy from Canadian Physiotherapy Association



  • Musculoskeletal Problems
  • Back, neck, arm and leg pain, headaches and jaw pain / TMJ pain
  • Concussions
  • Organ Related Problems
  • Constipation, irritable bladder,  gastric reflux, ear ringing, sinusitis
  • Stress Management
  • Nervous System Complaints
  • Vertigo, anxiety, insomnia, attention difficulties
  • Women's Health Issues
  • Vaginal pain, menstrual cramping, pregnancy related pain, fertility, incontinence
  • Pregnancy care, Post-Caesarian care
  • Infant & Children's Issues
  • Colic, sleeplessness, flat head syndrome, torticollis, scoliosis
