Did you know our resident skin service LPA also offer wellness services?
LPA Clinical Director Elizabeth Rimmer has a vast wealth of experience in helping people to improve their lifestyle. Her extensive history of working in general practice means that Elizabeth really understands the challenges of life and our natural propensity to seek comfort from our activities.
"Long before I got into aesthetics, I had a realisation that for me, there was a link between looking good and feeling good. This started in really small steps. I was never big into hair & makeup, I was more into fitness & having fun!
Training at the gym became a fairly consistent habit that would be guaranteed to boost my mood. On a day when I was feeling down, I would try and do my hair and makeup with a little more attention than usual.
By putting on a smile I found that even though I was pretending- it would actually help improve my mood. I have carried this through my life and call it what you like - vanity, faking it, not being real - I don't care - it works for me and that's what matters.
Further to that, as I am getting older I really know that feeling good about the way I look, helps me to face the world and cope with stressors.
I'm not suggesting for a minute that by looking good eliminates stress, it's simply one of the tools I have in my resource kit to help me feel present.
Keeping my weight in check, looking after my skin, doing my hair are my basic 'go -to' personal feel-goods."
"So if you any of this resonates and you feel in need of some support, I am here for you. I can offer you my wealth of knowledge and experience to help you to achieve your goals. i have created a weekly session of online appointments specifically to enable us to have a 'no distractions' chat to get you moving in the direction you would like to move: